
Explore Energetic Integration

Join us on a transformative journey where energy and consciousness converge.

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  • Subtle energies have been at the forefront of spiritual systems and traditional healing methods since the dawn of human history.
  • Modern application of the scientific method has produced new bodies of evidence that support some of the claims made by these systems, seers, and practitioners.
  • Each person is likely to experience an energetically integrated life in a unique and subjective way, with areas of overlap from an objective perspective, often perceived as 'synchronicities'.
  • The Energy Integration Institute provides a centralized point of access to information on energetic integration from both historical/mystical perspectives and modern scientific research.
  • E.I.I offers access to a global network of professionals serving humanity as healers, teachers, mentors, guides, and counselors in line with this vision.
  • The institute plans to host live/online events, courses, fund research, and deliver tangible and energetic resources to regions and people impacted by the progress of civilization.
Get Cared For
A worldwide network of practitioners with availability on and offline. All sessions booked through this site are with individuals who are congruent with our vision.
Learn and Grow
Study the basics of the many systems and approaches which implement some perspective on energy and biology as intertwined events.
Scientific Research
Explore the evidence already revealed by science which is coherent with our paradigm. Participate in furthering science by donating or applying for a research grant.
Global Community
Download our app to find other community members around you looking for connection. As well as any practitioners or resources in your area.
About the Founder
Rev. Dr. Craig Peterson DC is the founder and operator of the Energy Integration Institute. 

​He has been a long time student of healing modalities and esoteric systems. 

​Completing courses in manual therapy techniques, clairvoyant healing, and EpiEnergetic (tm) applications. He holds a diploma of Doctor of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West.

​As well as assisting with various Chiropractic training courses over the years. He is currently in private practice in Rome where he applies the principles of Network Spinal (tm) since 2016.